500 Days of Summer - Official Full Length Trailer
The reason why I saw this movie was because people around me kept telling me how good this movie was, I decided to see it.
At first, I thought it was a relaxing love comedy which was just like those of general Hollywood love stories. However, when I saw through it, I found things were not what I was imagined before. In the movie, the chief man, Tom fell in love with the heroine, Summer almost at first sight. And one thing leads to another. It was just like the traditional Hollywood love comedies. The boy and the girl meet and fall in love and then they live happily ever after. All the above was what I judged about this movie. However, the truth was when they passed the period of infatuation, they have some fights and the heroine decided to break up with the guy. It totally broke the man’s heart but he didn’t know why the girl wanted to do that to him. So he started to rethink the time they had gone through and tried to find out what was the main reason to cause their breakup. And after that he made some improvements and tried to win her back. However, when they met again, he found that on his ex-girlfriend’s hand is a shining engagement ring. She was going to be someone’s bride! This information broke him down and made him depressed for a long time. After he lost his job because he was too sad about his breakup with the girl, he decided to give himself a brand new start. He decided to fulfill his childhood dream, his dreaming job. And at the end of the movie, he met a new girl. It was also like new start of his relationship.
To my surprise, the boy and the girl did not get back together at the end of the movie, and the girl even married to someone else! It’s totally not like traditional love comedies. I kept expecting that the girl would go back, tell him that she was still loved him, and be together with him forever. However, I never saw it happened. They just broke up, once and for all. She just left the boy’s life and never came back. I felt so sad for the boy. Because almost every love comedy I saw, the boy and the girl would be together in the end whatever, it’s weird for me to see such a movie of which they didn’t get together.
After I read some critics about the movie, I started to realize that the movie wanted to express the real life to the audience because in the real world, there was no way you could find your Mr. or Mrs. Right that easily like a movie. So the story of this movie was only a period or a phase of a boy’s way to find his Mrs. Right. The movie tried to express that not every relationship would end well, so we should accept that it’s general to lose someone you love.
I think this movie is interesting and innovative for it is so different from other movies of same type. And by this movie, I know that how much these Hollywood love comedies have influence on me!