2010年4月5日 星期一




Recently, I have watched some movies that I already watched before again. I always think some good movies are like books; every time you watch or read it again, it will make you feel different even just a little bit.

When I first watched this movie, I was just a senior high school student. All I thought about this movie was “what a funny story!“ and “It’s too ridiculous to happen in real life”. At that time, I just thought it’s a funny movie and I learned nothing and thought nothing more about it. However, now, as a college student, I watched it again. To my surprise, it gave me some new thoughts.

Although it intended to be a comedy, it still had something for me to think. When the leader character, ”B” asks the students “what’s your dream?” and “What do you want to be?” Then I asked myself of these two questions. Surprisingly and shockingly, I couldn’t answer the questions because I couldn’t remind of my original dream when being a child. The questions made me think if we just followed what others did and what our parents or the society wanted us to do, and after a long time, when we were totally changed by the concepts, we lost our dreams. When we finally found out the reality was a lie, then we sadly found out that we already forgot what our deepest desire was. It’s kind of pathetic. Because we tried our best to reach the goals that the society already set, during the period of reaching that goal, we forgot our original passion to certain objects.

When B goes to one profound college for visiting, he sees students be forced to take the classes they don’t like. They just sleep and chat to kill the time of these boring classes. It looks like waste of time and life but until now, students do this. The scene made me think of me and people around. We always had some optional classes that we must take, though they were “optional”. I remembered when I took these optional classes, I always dropped out of the classes stealthily or just did my thing like reading books or writing my homework there. Honestly speaking, I just showed up at the class but my mind and my thought were not there at all. And of course I got nothing from that optional course. To me, it’s like a waste of time. I thought it would be better for me to do something I like more. Not just about playing, it could be the time for me to gain more knowledge in my interesting professional field. Maybe some people would say that we should learn everything to found our common sense. However, I thought if we could have the time, maybe we could make better use of it, not just sitting on the chair and doing nothing. (http://www.impawards.com/2006/posters/accepted_ver2.jpg)

So maybe this movie was funny, ridiculous and unrealistic, it did give me some inspirations. People are so easily to get refused, so we have to find some places where can accept us. From some many ideas of learning in the movie, they suddenly made me feel so depressed because I didn’t have any special skills except for studying and taking tests. It’s so sad. So this movie inspired me to find my original dream and let me rethink of what I have now and what I want to be in the future.

